


━━[動](〜・ed or 〜・ted, 〜・ing or 〜・ting) (他)
1 …を銃剣で突き刺す[突き殺す].
2 …に(…するように)武力で強いる*1.
[ プログレッシブ英和中辞典 提供:JapanKnowledge ]


The soldiers then bayonetted another sister of between 7-8, who was also in the room. The last murders in the house were of Ha's two children, aged 4 and 2 years respectively. The older was bayonetted and the younger split down through the head with a sword. After being wounded the 8-year-old girl crawled to the next room where lay the body of her mother. Here she staid for 14 days with her 4-year-old sister who had escaped unharmed.
(「Eyewitnesses To Massacre」)




上記文中で、十四日生き延びた「銃剣で「重傷」を負った八歳の少女」とあるが、原文ではthe 8-year-old girlと書かれているのみである。では東中野氏は、文中の何を根拠に、「八歳の少女」が「銃剣で重傷を負った」と読み取ったのか?

文章の前の部分を読んでも(エントリ末の英文参照)、the 8-year-old girlに関する記述は、(「The soldiersが bayonetした7-8歳のsister」を除いては)存在しない。要するに東中野氏は「The soldiersが bayonetした7-8歳のsister」と「the 8-year-old girl(その8歳の少女)」を同一化して、the 8-year-old girlはThe soldiersに bayonetされた、と読み取ったと思われる(これはtheという定冠詞の存在を見る限り妥当な解釈だろう)。




という原文解釈のうえに、「The soldiersが bayonetされて殺された7-8歳のsister」と「生き延びたthe 8-year-old girl(その8歳の少女)」は別人、という解釈にたつ。



(東京地裁判決文、「(2)争点(2)(本件記述は違法性を欠くか)について ア 被告らの主張」より引用)


・「7-8歳の妹」と「8歳の少女」を同一化し、8歳の少女(the 8-year-old girl)も「銃剣で刺された」(その後も生存した)と解釈





9.On December 13, about thirty soldiers came to a Chinese house at #5 Hsing Lu Kao in the southeastern part of Nanking, and demanded entrance. The door was opened by the landlord, a Mohammedan named Ha. They killed him immediately with a revolver and also Mr. Hsia, who knelt before them after Ha's death, begging them not to kill anyone else. Mrs. Ha asked them why they had killed her husband and they shot her dead. Mrs. Hsia was dragged out from under a table in the guest hall where she had tried to hide with her one-year old baby. After being stripped and raped by one or more men, she was bayonetted in the chest, and then had a bottle thrust into her vagina, the baby being killed with a bayonet. Some soldiers then went to the next room where were Mrs. Hsia's parents, age 76 and 74, and her two daughters aged 16 and 14. They were about to rape the girls when the grandmother tried to protect them. The soldiers killed her with a revolver. The grandfather grasped the body of his wife and was killed. The two girls were then stripped, the older being raped by 2-3 men, and the younger by 3. The older girl was stabbed afterwards and a cane was rammed into her vagina. The younger girl was bayonetted also but was spared the horrible treatment that had been meted out to her sister and her mother. The soldiers then bayonetted another sister of between 7-8, who was also in the room. The last murders in the house were of Ha's two children, aged 4 and 2 years respectively. The older was bayonetted and the younger split down through the head with a sword. After being wounded the 8-year-old girl crawled to the next room where lay the body of her mother. Here she staid for 14 days with her 4-year-old sister who had escaped unharmed. The two children lived on puffed rice and the rice crusts that form in the pan when the rice is cooked. It was from the older of these children that the photographer was able to get part of the story, and verify and correct certain details told him by a neighbor and a relative. The child said the soldiers came every day taking things from the house, but the two children were not discovered as they hid under some old sheets.
All the people in the neighborhood fled to the Refugee Zone when such terrible things began to happen. After 14 days the old woman shown in the picture returned to the neighborhood and found the two children. It was she who led the photographer to an open space where the bodies had been taken afterwards. Through questioning her and Mrs. Hsia's brother and the little girl, a clear knowledge of the terrible tragedy was gained. The picture shows the bodies of the 16 and 14 year old girls, each lying in a group of people slain at the same time. Mrs. Hsia and her baby are shown last.

『Eyewitnesses to massacre』 P290-310

*1:into ...